This project (503107-2009-DE-GMP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Dissemination in VIP

All basic dissemination instruments to approach a wide public were set up in year 1 incl. corporate design, website, project flyer and project poster. All in all five newsletters were sent out to inform a wide public about the project, achievements and activities.
Additional to the mass information the partnership disseminated project and approach in a more focused way in the framework of conferences of Grundtvig communities. Hence the issue of “Informal or non-formal Learning in European Collaborations” was intensively discussed and disseminated with VIP partners and major stakeholders from different background during several conferences and workshops at different European locations and during two network conferences for Grundtvig course organisers.
On several occasions the VIP approach was presented and practised in workshop or conference settings, so that participants of these events were able to experience and simulate the VIP approach in informal learning circuits. They became familiar with informal partner projects, evaluation procedure in practice and made concrete experience of feasibility. These conferences addressed different target groups, such as project coordinators, partners and participants of partnerships and mobility actions as well as coordinating staff, experts form the Commission and from the political level and personnel from NAs.

Retrieve all public dissemination materials from the list below: