This project (503107-2009-DE-GMP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The VIP Manual

European collaborative projects are informal learning spaces for the partners.
Professionals from educational domains collaborate in different learning context and acquire (and require) highly specialised personal and social competences that enable them to work in transnational teams, collaborate to achieve a common goal, to learn to get along with other cultures and diverse backgrounds of their team mates but also to work professionally in a European project space or to market the common products effectively.

The basic task of the project VIP has been to identify, assess and evidence those competences acquired in informal European project contexts.
The validation of informal learning in collaborative European projects has carried out along a standardised procedure (LEVEL5) developed by a community of evaluators specialised in informal and non-formal learning (“REVEAL”).
The manual (to be downloaded below) contains all necessary steps, forms , instruments and the reference systems for the aforementioned competence framework developed by VIP.