This project (503107-2009-DE-GMP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Securing quality with LEVEL5

The validation approach is not only an ex-post assessment but it shall be one cornerstone of a quality improvement system for mobility actions.
The LEVEL5 system-approach is based on Action Theory principles and therefore works as a cyclic procedure. Hence during the evaluation process, certain components may be adapted and further developed.
With this LEVEL5 works along the principles of quality management (PDCA cycle).
From the extensive use of LEVEL5 it has become apparent that a multitude of benefits can be gained from this evaluation process. It is not merely a documentation exercise but rather a dual process that benefits both the learner and the learning provider:

  • Firstly, the learners’ skill and competency levels can be accurately defined and measured before and after a learning experience. The impact of the learning becomes clearly evident through the evaluation of specific parameters which enable the individual’s progress to be charted and monitored, thus enabling the learner to recognise the learning outcomes at a cognitive, active and affective level.
  • Secondly, the practitioners (or educators) can monitor the effectiveness of the learning activity through highlighting specific areas for development or improvement and thus maximising the impact of their work.

The REVEAL accreditation approach describes the validation procedure in a comprehensive paper of 25 pages. It consists of

  1. The rationale and background of the REVEAL organisation
  2. An explanation on the term “accreditation” how it is used by REVEAL
  3. A description on the accreditation procedure
  4. A quality criteria catalogue
  5. Annexes on:


  • terms and definitions,
  • a procedural flow chart
  • a quality check grid and a
  • certificate pattern